Cuckoo vs Coway Water Filter, Which is Better?

cuckoo vs coway water filter

Cuckoo and Coway are two of the most popular water filter brands in Malaysia. In addition, there are upcoming brands like SK Magic and LG Puricare.

The purpose of this article is to compare Coway and Cuckoo indoor water filters, which are both market leaders for household water filters. While they offer outdoor water filters, we will discuss them in another article.

Many are confused about which to choose between Coway and Cuckoo water filters.

Which one is better? Does one really need Cuckoo and Coway water filters?

Let’s find out the differences between Coway and Cuckoo water filters.

Comparison between Cuckoo and Coway Water Filter

The main difference between Cuckoo and Coway water filters is that Cuckoo uses only nanofiltration that induces mild alkaline balance, while Coway uses primarily Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration which is very pure and neutral in pH.

Currently, Coway offers a few water filter models with nanofiltration technology, but most still use RO filtration.

Check out the table below for a full comparison between Cuckoo and Coway Water Filter

Filtration technologyNanofiltration with mild alkaline balanceReverse Osmosis (RO)
Service intervalEvery 4 monthsEvery 2 months
Time to refillFastSlow
Monthly rental (cheapest)6569
Monthly rental (highest)118184
Contract Period5 years5 years

List of Cuckoo Water Filter Models

Cuckoo has more water filter models than Coway. It offers tankless models, large tanks, compact models, hot and cold water models, and more.

Cuckoo Water Filter models:

  • Cuckoo Titan
  • Cuckoo Warrior
  • Cuckoo King Top
  • Cuckoo Xcel
  • Cuckoo Vivid
  • Cuckoo Iris Top
  • Cuckoo Prince Top
  • Cuckoo Icon
  • Cuckoo Marvel
  • Cuckoo Jazz

List of Coway Water Filter Models

Previously, Coway tankless water filters were available, but now they are no longer available.

There are two Coway water filter models which do not use RO filtration, which is Coway Kecil and Coway Inception.

Coway Water Filter Models:

  • Cinnamon
  • Neo Plus
  • Glaze
  • Kecil
  • Villaem 2
  • Ombak
  • Inception

Cuckoo vs Coway Water Filter Price

ModelMonthly Rental (1st-3rd year)Monthly Rental
(4th-5th year)
Contract PeriodBuy Outright
TitanRM113RM10860 monthsRM4300
WarriorRM100RM9560 monthsRM3200
King TopRM80RM7560 months/
Goood Plan
XcelRM85RM8060 months/
Goood Plan
VividRM93RM8860 monthsRM3200
Iris TopRM97RM9260 monthsRM3773
Prince TopRM118RM11360 monthsRM4200
IconRM115RM11060 monthsRM4200
MarvelRM65RM6060 monthsRM1999
JazzRM90RM9060 monthsRM3500
Coway Water PurifierMonthly RentalContract PeriodBuy Outright
CinnamonRM6960 monthsRM2490
Neo PlusRM8560 monthsRM3640
GlazeRM11960 monthsRM3900
KecilRM9960 monthsRM3590
Villaem 2RM12060 monthsRM3900
OmbakRM14060 monthsRM4300
InceptionRM18460 monthsRM7070
Ferry -discontinuedRM6660 monthsRM2260
Mate -discontinuedRM6560 monthsRM2200

Rental prices are the main concern of most people besides filtration technology and cleanliness of the water.

Based on the tables above, on average, Cuckoo water filter rentals are cheaper than Coway water filters.

In addition, Cuckoo uses a slightly different rental pricing package, in which the rental price drops by RM5 on the fourth and fifth year of renting.

Cuckoo vs Coway Water Filter Features

The two brands offer many different water filters, so I would handpick the most popular models and compare them head-to-head.

Cuckoo Warrior vs Coway Villaem 2

Cuckoo WarriorCoway Villaem 2
Filtration technology6-stage Nano Positive Filtration SystemReverse Osmosis (RO)
Tank Capacity1.0L ambient water
2.8L cold water
1.4L hot water
6.4L ambient water
3.7L cold water
1.2L hot water
Service intervalEvery 4 monthsEvery 2 months
Monthly rentalRM100RM120
Unique featureFaucet sterilisationDetachable faucet, adjustable warm temperature
Size260mm x 508mm x 508mm 340 x 523 x 518 mm
Contract Period5 years5 years

The RO water produced by Coway Villaem 2 is without a doubt cleaner than the Cuckoo with almost zero impurities, with no dissolved minerals.

Another advantage of the Coway Villaem 2 is that users can adjust the hot temperature based on their own preferences.

On the other hand, the Cuckoo uses a Nano Positive Filtration system that produces mild alkaline drinking water.

While it can dispense both cold and hot water, it lacks the adjustable hot water feature found on Coway Villaem 2.

One of its unique features is the integrated faucet sterilization system that sterilizes the faucet and prevents bacterial growth.

Both Cuckoo Warrior and Coway Villaem 2 have their own pros and cons. 

With an adjustable hot water selection, Coway Villaem 2 is probably better for people who have kids and need to prepare baby formula.

In contrast, the Cuckoo Warrior is a great choice for small and medium families. It has a cheaper monthly rental price and a unique faucet sterilizer.

Cuckoo Titan vs Coway Kecil

Cuckoo TitanCoway Kecil
Filtration technologyNano Positive Filtration SystemCoway Nanotrap
Tank CapacityTankless1.35L Cold
Service intervalEvery 4 monthsEvery 2 months
Monthly rentalRM113RM99
Unique featureInstant 100°C, adjustable hot water temperature, electrolysis sterilization system, adjustable faucetDetachable faucet, adjustable warm temperature, cold water tank
Size166mm x 514mm x 399mm180 x 440 x 422 mm
Contract Period5 years5 years

Both Cuckoo Titan and Coway Kecil use instant water heating instead of hot water tanks for hot water storage. And both of them are nanofiltration water filters.

The Cuckoo Titan is more expensive but it packs more advanced features that are not available on the Coway Kecil.

The three most distinct features are the Instant 100°C, electrolysis sterilization system, and adjustable faucet. They could make a huge difference and be more convenient for daily usage.

If you’re OK with spending RM14 extra a month on the Cuckoo Titan for these extra features, go for it. 

For those who prefer cold water on demand, Coway Kecil is the better choice.


As we can see from the comparison, Cuckoo water filters tend to have more innovative features and are cheaper to rent, whereas Coway water filters focus on producing the cleanest drinking water and essential features such as hot and cold water.

It is true that both Cuckoo and Coway water filters are very convenient, but please be reminded that they both require a five-year contract and a monthly commitment of almost RM100.

In fact, I recommend that most families should just purchase a water filter from brands like 3M or Aquasana, which can be bought outright and the cartridges can be changed on their own.

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Kai is a tech enthusiast staying in Kuala Lumpur. is where he reviews on the best gadgets, apps, life hacks, tips for save money and make money.